More than 2,000 women apply for our assistance each year and we are primarily staffed by volunteers who work part-time and we are also being dependent on donations. As a result of these combined factors, this process takes time. By filling out this application, you acknowledge all of the following:

1. You are not filling out this application for anyone else.

2. That you are a single mother, a widow, OR the wife of someone that is currently deployed in the military.

3. You have a valid driver’s license that is in good standing.

4. You can provide documentation that you are a legal resident in the United States.

5. If you are applying for a car, there is no other vehicle currently titled in your name.

6. If you are applying for a car repair, the vehicle you are asking us to consider repairing is titled in your name only and you can provide proof that it is insured.

7. Approximately 10% of the women that apply with God's Garage receive our assistance.

8. If you qualify to receive a vehicle from us you will be required to transfer the car into your name and obtain insurance on that vehicle.

9. God's Garage has a zero tolerance policy. Inconsiderate, harassing or hostile behavior towards any volunteer or staff member, including the use of profanity, or other abusive actions, may result in the immediate denial of your application. We reserve the right to not serve anyone violating this policy.

10. All the information you are providing to us is confidential unless you have given us permission to disclose it.

I have read and understood the preceding disclaimer *


By digitally signing below you verify that you are the applicant and you agree to the process and understand that if we cannot contact you, you will be removed from our list. If after signing your situation changes or you are no longer interested in the program, please let us know.

This process could take several months, so please continue to pursue other sources of assistance